Советы начинающим писать игру на Адрифте
В связи с тем, что в ближайшее время выйдет пятая версия Адрифта (а она уже вышла к настоящему времени), которая должна поддерживать русский язык, следует обратить внимание на нее. Она бесплатная. Только Donate.
Тем, кто будет юзать пятый Адрифт, совет — Не заполняйте окно Text Overrides. Делайте, как и раньше файл-словарь *.alr. Потом его импортируете в готовую игру.
Можно делать неплохие вещи и на старой 39 версии. Тем более, если вы используете Адрифт недавно.
Прежде всего следует заняться русификацией Винды, т.к. по большей части она русифицирована не полностью. См. соответствующую страницу.
Далее идет русификация самого Адрифта. В меню генератора Adventure открываем Advanced далее Synonyms. Там задаем русские эквиваленты системным командам. Рекомендую не увлекаться переводом, а прописать лишь самое необходимое. А это: направление движения north – север (с), west – запад (з) и т.д., inv – инвентарь (инв), look – осмотреть (осм), ask — спросить, about – про. Других предлогов не использовать. Можно прописать и другие системные команды, но только те, которые используются без предлогов как в русском, так и в английском языке. Но особого смысла нет. Все равно придется переводить. Остальное прописывается в другом месте.
В окне Objects при создании объекта в Alias прописать винительный падеж. Иногда он совпадает с именительным, тогда не прописывать ничего или просто синоним этого слова.
В окне Characters (Персонажи) если они будут, Name of character (Имя персонажа) прописать в дательном падеже. Далее в Description of character-prefix и Descriptor – синонимы в соответствующем падеже.
В меню Adventure – Option – Message when command not understood написать по русски фразу ответа, когда команда не понята. Однако, можно ее перевести и в словаре. Кроме того, Perspective отметить от какого лица будет вестись игра. Без разницы. Все равно придется переводить. Лучше сделать First первое лицо, т.к. я буду плясать от него.
В Блокноте следует создать и сохранить текстовый файл. Далее его расширение txt сменить на alr. Это будет ваш словарь к игре, где вы будете переводить сообщения Адрифта на русский язык. Начинайте заполнять словарь. Можно сразу, а можно и по мере написания и проверке игры. Все возможные сообщения Адрифта в списке. Список системных сообщений Адрифта от первого лица прилагается. Все переводить не нужно, только то, что будет задействовано в вашей игре. Это будет выглядеть приблизительно так:
The коробка is closed|Коробка закрыта
The коробка is open|Коробка открыта
doesn’t seem interested in|сейчас не хочется брать
Drop what|Что выбросить
I am carrying|У меня с собой
I move|Я пошел на
I can only move|Я могу идти только на
I don’t understand what you want me to do with|Я не понимаю, что мне нужно сделать с такой вещью как
Хотя последняя фраза не является дословным переводом с английского, нам приходится использовать подобные конструкции. Причина проста — падежные окончания (их нет в английском). Поэтому эта вышеупомянутая «вещь» должна быть исключительно в именительном падеже, что и достигается, к примеру, использованием союза «как».
Причем необходимо учитывать, что простые сообщение, состоящие из одного слова должны располагаться в конце словаря, чтобы исключить его преждевременное исполнение в составе фразы т.к. чтение словаря программой идет последовательно сверху вниз. Чем короче фраза, тем ниже она должна быть прописана.
Если вы хотите, чтобы в ответ на системную команду выдавалось не стандартное, а ваше специальное сообщение, которое к тому же и сопровождается определенными условиями и действиями, то нужно осуществить так называемую отмену системной команды. Поскольку системных команд мы оставили минимум, то это будет «осмотреть» — «look».
Здесь важно в задачах писать не «осмотреть что-то», а «look что-то», т.к. отменяться будет именно команда «look», а не ее синоним. То же самое нужно делать, если вы будете использовать другие системные команды, например, «take что-то», «drop что-то».
Почему я отказался от использования, допустим, такой команды как «взять» в качестве системной. Просто все это можно реализовать в задаче через взять %object%.
Короче, хотите – используйте системную команду, хотите делайте, как я.
Не пытайтесь делать задачи, типа: «положить %object% в ящик», если ящик у вас прописан как объект также. Два объекта вместе Адрифт не переваривает, Может и переваривает, но только по английски.
В Tasks Задачах на конце Адрифт не переваривает буквы «х», «б», «ж», «э», «ъ», «ю». Например «сколотить гроб». Конечно можно его заставить проглотить это, но не стоит заморачиваться. Ставьте пока вместо букв астерикс «*» — «сколотить гро*».
Не заморачивайтесь с системой боя. Кроме багов тут ничего путнего не получится. Это же не action. Какое удовольствие от такого боя: Я лягнул Гоблина, Гоблин лягнул меня и т.д. Я полагаю, что если уж так хочется сражений, то лучше их реализовать по принципу сравнения силы, опыта, вооружения героя с его противником. Плюс еще добавить элемент случайности. А далее расписывайте сражение так, как вам в голову придет. Результатом будет либо победа, когда герой получает всё, что имеет противник, либо поражение, тогда он бежит, теряя вооружение и другие ценности).
Остальное в рабочем порядке.
Список системных сообщений Адрифта
These commands return one of the random responses listed.
*UNKNOWN* It feels just as I expected it would.
*UNKNOWN* Don’t be daft!
*UNKNOWN* That wasn’t one of the options!
*UNKNOWN* It’s not hungry.
*UNKNOWN* #character# is not hungry.
*UNKNOWN* Smart Alec!
*UNKNOWN* I don’t think #the object# would be a very effective weapon!
*UNKNOWN* You can’t do that here!
*UNKNOWN* Please take objects from one place at a time.
*UNKNOWN* You’re doing rubbish anyway!
*UNKNOWN* I can’t take anything from #the object#.
*UNKNOWN* Nothing special.
*UNKNOWN* The most I can hold is #something#.
*UNKNOWN* There is nothing to pick up here.
*UNKNOWN* I can’t get either of them.
*UNKNOWN* I can’t get any of them.
*UNKNOWN* I’ve already got #the object#.
{various} I don’t understand what you mean!
{various} I don’t understand what you want me to do with #the object#.
{various} I don’t understand what you want to do with #character#.
{various} Which #object#. #the object# or #the object#?
{various} That is still ambiguous!
{various} It’s not clear which item you are referring to.
{various} It’s not clear which #object# you are referring to.
{various} I can’t see #the object#.
{various} (Your score has decreased by #0#)
{various} (Your score has increased by #0#)
{ref to «it» eg «get it»} (Absolutely nothing)
{ref to «it» eg «get it»} (#the object)
ask * about * I get no reply from #the object#.
ask * about * #character# does not respond to my question.
ask * for * Use the format «ask #character# about [subject]»
[ask|talk to] * about * I can’t talk to that.attack * #character# avoids my feeble attempts.
attack * #character# is not here!
[author|info|information] So there you go!block Block what?
block * I can’t block #the object#.
block * I can’t block that.
block * with * I can’t block #the object# with #the object#.
break Break what?
[break|destroy|smash] * I might need #the object#. [break|destroy|smash] * I might need that.buy Buy what?
buy * I don’t think that is for sale.
buy * I don’t think #the object# is for sale.
clean Clean what?
clean * I can’t clean #the object#.
clean * I can’t clean that.
clean * with * I can’t clean #the object# with #the object#.
clear * I can’t clear #the object#.
clear * I can’t clear that.
clear * with * I can’t clear #the object# with #the object#.
climb Climb what?
climb * I can’t climb #the object#.
climb * I can’t climb that.
climb * with * I can’t climb #the object# with #the object#.
close {*} I can’t close that.
close * I can’t close #the object#.
close * #the object# is already closed!
close * with * I can’t close #the object# with #the object#.
[cls|clr|clear] Screen cleared. [cp|ln|ls|mv] {*} This isn’t Unix you know.cry {*} There’s no need for that!
{curse words} I really don’t think there’s any need for language like that!
cut Cut what?
cut * I can’t cut that.
cut * I can’t cut #the object#.
cut * with * I can’t cut #the object# with #the object#.
campbell {*} Campbell wrote this Adventure Runner. It’s pretty good huh!
dance {*} I do a little dance.
date {*} The date is # 0/00/0000#.
destroy Destroy what?
dir {*} This isn’t Dos you know!
[directions|exits] I can move […].drink Drink what?
drink * I can’t drink #the object#.
drink * I can’t drink that.
drop {*} Drop what?
[drop|put down] * I am not holding #the object#. [drop|put down] * I drop #the object#. [drop|put down] all I am carrying nothing!eat {*} I don’t understand what you are trying to eat.
eat * I can’t eat #the object#.
eat * I eat #the object. Not bad, but it could do with a pinch of salt!
empty * I don’t understand where you want to get things from!
empty * There is nothing on #the object#.
[examine|ex|exam|x|look] * I see no such thing. [examine|ex|exam|x|look] * I see nothing special about #the object#. [examine|ex|exam|x|look] * There’s nothing special about #character#. [examine|ex|exam|x|look] * #the object# is inside #the object#. [examine|ex|exam|x|look] * #the object# is on #the object#. [examine|ex|exam|x|look] [me|myself] I am as well as can be expected, considering the circumstances.feed {*} There is nothing worth feeding here.
feel {*} I feel nothing out of the ordinary.
fight {*} There is nothing worth fighting here.
fix Fix what?
fix * I don’t think I can fix #the object#.
fix * I don’t think I can fix that.
fix * with * I don’t think I can fix #the object# with #the object#.
fly {*} I can’t fly.
get [down|off] * I am not standing on anything!
get [down|off] * I get off #the object#.
[get|take|pick {up}] Take what? [get|take|pick {up}] * I can’t take #the object#! [get|take|pick {up}] * I don’t think #character prefix# #character alias# would appreciate being handled. [get|take|pick {up}] * I don’t think #character# would appreciate being handled. [get|take|pick {up}] * #character# refuses to give me #the object#! [get|take|pick {up}] * I take #the object#. [get|take|pick {up}] * My hands are full. [get|take|pick {up}] * #the object# is too heavy for me to carry at the moment. [get|take|pick {up}] * I am already carrying #the object#. [get|take|pick {up}] * from * #character# is not carrying #the object#! [get|take|pick {up}} * from * There is nothing on #the object#. [get|take|pick {up}} * from * There is nothing inside #the object#. [get|take|pick {up}] all There is nothing worth taking here. [get|take|pick {up}] all I takegive (to Nobody)
give Give what?
give * to * #character# doesn’t seem interested in #the object#.
give * to * I don’t have #the object#!
give * to * Give #the object# to who?
[go|go to] Just a direction will do. [go|go to|goto] * Unknown place. [go|go to|goto] * I can’t get there from here. [go|go to|goto] * I am already #room name#! [help|commands] Failing that, try asking someone!hint You’re just going to have to work it out for yourself…
hint No hints currently available.
hint>>»Cancel» Good decision.
hit Hit what?
hit * I hit #the object#, but nothing happens.
hit * I hit, but nothing happens.
hit * with * I hit #the object# with #the object#, but nothing happens.
hum {*} I hum a little tune.
[i|inv|inventory] I am carrying nothing.jump {*} Wheee-boinng.
[kick|hit] * #character# avoids my feeble attempts. [kick|hit] * #character prefix# #character alias# avoids my feeble attempts.kick Kick what?
kick * I kick #the object#, but nothing happens.
kick * I kick, but nothing happens.
kick * with * I kick #the object# with #the object#, but nothing happens.
kill * Now that isn’t very nice.
kiss {*} I’m not sure it would appreciate that!
kiss * I’m not sure [he/she] would appreciate that!
[lie|lay] I lie down on the ground. [lie|lay] I am already lying down. [lie|lay] I lie down on #the object#. [lie|lay] on * I can’t lie on that. [lie|lay] on * I can’t lie on #the object#. [lie|lay] on * I lie down on #the object#.lift Lift what?
lift * I can’t lift #the object#.
lift * I can’t lift that.
lift * with * I can’t lift #the object# with #the object#.
light Light what?
light * I can’t light #the object#.
light * I can’t light that.
light * with * I can’t light #the object# with #the object#.
listen {*} I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
lock Lock what?
lock * I can’t lock #the object#.
lock * I can’t lock that.
lock * I can’t lock #the object# as it is open.
lock * I don’t have anything to lock #the object# with!
lock * with * I can’t see #the object# from here.
lock * with * I can’t lock #the object# with #the object#.
lock * with * (Picking up #the object# first)
lock * {with *} #the object# is already locked!
lock * {with *} I lock #the object# with #the object#.
mend Mend what?
mend * I don’t think I can mend that.
mend * I don’t think I can mend #the object#.
mend * with * I don’t think I can mend #the object# with #the object#.
move Move what?
move * I can’t move #the object#.
move * I can’t move that.
move * with * I can’t move #the object# with #the object#.
{movement command} I can’t go in that direction, but I can move […].
{movement command} You can’t go in any direction!
[{movement command}|directions|exits] I can only move [north/south/east/west/northwest/northeast/southwest/southeast/in/out/up/down].{movement command} I move [north/south/east/west/northwest/northeast/southwest/southeast/in/out/up/down].
{movement command} (Getting off #the object# first)
{movement command} (Standing up first)
num Size: I have #0#. The most I can hold is #0#.
num Weight: I have #0#. The most I can hold is #0#.
open {*} I can’t open that.
open * I can’t open #the object#!
open * I can’t open #the object# as it is locked!
open * #the object# is already open!
open * with * I can’t open #the object# with #the object#.
panel Control Panel on
panel Control Panel already on
please {*} My kindness gets me nowhere.
press Press what?
press * I press #the object#, but nothing happens.
press * I press, but nothing happens.
press * with * I press #the object# with #the object#, but nothing happens.
pull Pull what?
pull * I pull #the object#, but nothing happens.
pull * I pull, but nothing happens.
pull * with * I pull #the object# with #the object#, but nothing happens.
punch {*} Who do you think you are, Mike Tyson?
push Push what?
push * I push #the object#, but nothing happens.
push * I push, but nothing happens.
puch * with * I push #the object# with #the object#, but nothing happens.
put {*} Where do you want to put that?
put * Where do you want to put #the object#?
put [on|onto] * Where do you want to put that?
put [on|onto] * Where do you want to put #the object#?
put * [on|onto|in|into|inside] Where do you want to put that?
put * [on|onto|in|into|inside] Where do you want to put #the object#?
put * [in|into|inside] * I can’t put anything inside #the object#!
put * [in|into|inside] * I don’t understand what you want to put things inside.
put * [in|into|inside] * I put #the object# inside #the object#.
put * [in|into|inside] * #the object# is too big to fit inside #the object#.
put * [in|into|inside] * #the object# can’t fit inside #the object# at the moment.
put * [in|into|inside] * (Taking #the object# first)
put * [in|into|inside] * I can’t put an object inside itself!
put * [in|into|inside] * #the object# is already inside #the object#!
put * [on|onto] * I can’t put anything onto #the object#!
put * [on|onto] * I don’t understand what you want to put things onto.
put * [on|onto] * I put #the object# on #the object#.
put * [on|onto] * (Taking #the object# first)
put * [on|onto] * I can’t put an object onto itself!
put * [on|onto] * #the object# is already on #the object#!
put down It is not clear which object you are referring to.
[quit|bye|end]>>»Cancel» I’m so glad you said no…read I see no such thing.
read * I can’t read #the object#!
read * I see nothing special about #the object#.
remove * Remove what?
remove * I am not wearing #the object#!
remove * I remove #the object#.
remove * from * I don’t understand where you want to get things from.
[remove all|strip] I remove #the object#.repair Repair what?
repair * I don’t think I can repair that.
repair * I don’t think I can repair #the object#.
repair * with * I don’t think I can repair #the object# with #the object#.
[restart|new]>>»No» Quite right — you’re doing too well. [restore|load] {game}>>»Cancel» Saved game not loaded [restore|load] {game}>>error Error restoring game. [restore|load] {game} Loading game… Incorrect file [restore|load] {game} That saved game was for another adventure game. [restore|load] {game} Loading game… Aborting! [restore|load] {game} Adventure save file out of date for this adventure! [restore|load] {game} Loading game… done.rub Rub what?
rub * I can’t rub that.
rub * I can’t rub #the object#.
rub * with * I can’t rub #the object# with #the object#.
run {*} Why would I want to run?
save Saving current game… done.
save Game saved
say {*} Gosh, that was very impressive.
say {*} Not surprisingly, no-one takes any notice of me.
say {*} That’s the most interesting thing I’ve ever heard!
say {*} Uh huh, yes, very interesting.
say {*} Wow! That achieved a lot.
[say|talk] {*} No-one listens to my rabblings.sell Sell what?
sell * No-one is interested in buying #the object#.
sell * No-one is interested in buying that.
score {*} My score is #0# out of a maximum of #0#. (#0#%)
shake Shake what?
shake * I shake #the object#, but nothing happens.
shake * I shake, but nothing happens.
shake * with * I shake #the object# with #the object#, but nothing happens.
shout {*} Aaarrrrgggghhhhhh!
sing {*} I sing a little song.
sit {up|down} (when lying) I sit up on the ground.
sit {up|down} {ground|floor} I am already sitting down.
sit {up|down} {in|on} {ground|floor} I sit down on the ground.
sit {up|down} [in|on] ground I am already sitting on the ground!
sit {up|down} [in|on] floor I am already sitting on the floor!
sit {up|down} (when lying) I sit up on #the object#.
sit {up|down} {[in|on] *} I sit down on #the object#.
sit {up|down} [in|on] * (when lying) I sit down on #the object#.
sit in * I can’t sit in #the object#.
sit in * I can’t sit in that.
sit on * I can’t sit on #the object#.
sit on * I can’t sit on that.
sleep {*} Zzzzz. Bored are you?
smash Smash what?
smell {*} That smells normal.
smell * #the object# smells normal.
[stand {up}]|[get up] I am already standing! [stand {up}]|[get up] I stand up. [stand {up}]|[get up] I stand up from #the object#.stand in * I can’t stand in that.
stand in * I can’t stand in #the object#.
[stand|get] on * I can’t stand on that. [stand|get] on * I can’t stand on #the object#. [stand [in|on] *]|[get on *] I stand on #the object#.stop Stop what?
stop * I can’t stop #the object#.
stop * I can’t stop that.
stop * with * I can’t stop #the object# with #the object#.
suck Suck what?
suck * I can’t suck that.
suck * I can’t suck #the object#.
suck * with * I can’t suck #the object# the #the object#.
[talk|speak] to * Use the format «ask #character# about [subject]»thank {*} You’re welcome.
time {*} The time is #0:00:00# #AM/PM#.\
touch Touch what?
touch * I can’t touch #the object#.
touch * I can’t touch that.
touch * with * I can’t touch #the object# with #the object#.
turn Turn what?
turn * I can’t turn #the object#.
turn * I can’t turn that.
turn * with * I can’t turn #the object# with #the object#.
[turn off {*}]|[turn * off] I can’t turn that off. [turn off *]|[turn * off] I can’t turn #the object# off. [turn on {*}]|[turn * on] I can’t turn that on. [turn on *]|[turn * on] I can’t turn #the object# on. [turn off *]|[turn * off] with * I can’t turn #the object# off with #the object#. [turn on *]|[turn * on] with * I can’t turn #the object# on with #the object#.turns {*} You have taken #number# turns so far.
unblock Unblock what?
unblock * I can’t unblock #the object#.
unblock * I can’t unblock that.
unblock * with * I can’t unblock #the object# with #the object#.
undo {*} Undone.
undo {*} I can’t undo any more of your blunderings!
unlock Unlock what?
unlock * I can’t unlock #the object#.
unlock * I can’t unlock that.
unlock * I don’t have anything to unlock #the object#.
unlock * with * I can’t see #the object# from here.
unlock * with * I can’t unlock #the object# with #the object#.
unlock * with * (Picking up #the object# first)
unlock * {with *} #the object# is not locked!
unlock * {with *} I unlock #the object# with #the object#.
[wait|z] Time passes…wash Wash what?
wash * I can’t wash #the object#.
wash * I can’t wash that.
wash * with * I can’t wash #the object# with #the object#.
wear {*} Wear what?
[wear|put on] * I am not holding #the object#. [wear|put on] * I put on #the object#. [wear|put on] * I am already wearing #the object#. [where is|find|locate] {*} I don’t know where that is! [where is|find|locate] * I don’t know where #character# is. [where is|find|locate] * #the object# is #room name#. [where is|find|locate] * #character# is #room name#. (Right next to me, silly!) [where is|find|locate] * #character# is #room name#. [where is|find|locate] * I haven’t seen #character# yet!whistle {*} I whistle a little tune.
[who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} All these questions are hurting my head. [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Ask me again later. [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Because that’s just the way it is. [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Do I ask you all sorts of awkward questions? [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Err, yes?!? [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Ha, as if I’d tell you! [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} I’m not going to tell you. [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} I don’t know — could you ask anyone else? [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} I haven’t a clue! [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Interesting question. [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Let me just check my memory banks… [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Let me think about that one… [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Questions, questions… [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Someday I’ll know the answer to that one. [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Who cares. [who|when|what|how|why|can] {*} Why do you want to know?xyzzy {*} I’m sorry, but XYZZY doesn’t do anything special in this game!
[yes|no] That’s interesting, but it doesn’t mean much.//battle system variations//
{battle action} #character# falls down, dead.
{battle action} I manage to avoid #character prefix# #character alias#’s attack.
{battle action} #character prefix# #character alias# hits me, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage.
{battle action} #character prefix# #character alias# hits me.
{battle action} #character# hits me, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage.
{battle action} #character# hits me.
[fight|attack|kill] {*} Who do you want to attack? [fight|attack|kill] * #character# isn’t here! [fight|attack|kill] * I hit #character prefix# #character alias#. [fight|attack|kill] * I hit #character#. [fight|attack|kill] * #character prefix# #character alias# manages to avoid my attack. [fight|attack|kill] * #character# manages to avoid my attack. [fight|attack|kill] * #character prefix# #character alias# manages to avoid my attack with #the object#. [fight|attack|kill] * #character# manages to avoid my attack with #the object#. [fight|attack|kill] * I hit #character prefix# #character alias#. [fight|attack|kill] * I hit #character#. [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} I must be in the same room as #the object# to be able to do anything with it. [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} #character# isn’t here! [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} #character prefix# #character alias# manages to avoid my attack with #the object#. [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} I [chop/cut/hit/shoot/stab] #character prefix# #character alias# with #the object. [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} I [chop/cut/hit/shoot/stab] #character# with #the object. [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} I throw #the object# at #character prefix# #character alias#, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage. [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} I throw #the object# at #character#, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage. [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} I throw #the object# at #character prefix# #character alias#. [fight|attack|kill] * {with *} I throw #the object# at #character#. [fight|attack|kill] * with * I can’t attack #character# with #the object# [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab|throw] {*} Who do you want to attack? [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab|throw] * I hit #character#, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage. [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab|throw] * I hit #character#. [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab|throw] * I hit #character prefix# #character alias#, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage. [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab|throw] * I hit #character prefix# #character alias#. [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab|throw] * #character prefix# #character alias# manages to avoid my attack. [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab|throw] * #character# manages to avoid my attack. [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab] * I [chop/cut/hit/shoot/stab] #character prefix# #character alias# with #the object. [chop|cut|hit|shoot|stab] * I [chop/cut/hit/shoot/stab] #character# with #the object.throw * {at *} I throw #the object# at #character prefix# #character alias#, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage.
throw * {at *} I throw #the object# at #character#, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage.
throw * {at *} I throw #the object# at #character prefix# #character alias#.
throw * {at *} I throw #the object# at #character#.
chop * I can’t chop with #the object#!
cut * I can’t cut with #the object#!
hit * I can’t hit with #the object#!
shoot * I can’t shoot with #the object#!
stab * I can’t stab with #the object#!
throw * I can’t throw with #the object#!
wield * I wield #the object#.
wield * #the object# is not a weapon!